Summertime Blues
I knew when we moved into a house on the water that we'd be overrun with houseguests come summer.
I knew because I used to delight in being one of those guests. And now, my friends and family have collectively ganged up on me to exact their revenge for all my years of warm weather freeloading.
They started coming Memorial Day weekend and will continue, pretty much unabated, until we leave for vacation in mid-August. Last night was the first night in almost a month that we didn't have anyone at the house except ourselves. It was nice just to sit there with a glass of wine and the remnants of the Sunday paper without feeling like I was ignoring people who came from long distances to see us.
My respite will be short-lived -- tomorrow, my best friend and her husband arrive for a few days. We've been friends for so long, they seem more like family and hardly count as company. In fact, I knew my husband was a keeper when he passed muster with these people. When they met at Best Friend's annual backyard barbeque three years ago, it was love at first sight. Best Friend's Husband, a man whom I have known since I dated his brother in high school, pulled me aside in the middle of the party and gushed like a starstruck teenager, "I like this one! You've got to keep him!!"
So I did.
When the four of us get together, it's as if my husband has been part of our gang from the start. And while I really like my husband's best friends -- who are coming to visit the week after the Fourth of July -- I don't have the same easy connection with them that he has with mine. Needless to say, I'm looking forward to seeing Best Friend more than some of the others who will be coming this summer!
The Wife Who Knows